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2/3's Transition Class

Maximum Enrollment: 17 children - 3 teachers
Two’s are no longer toddlers, but, they are not yet preschoolers either. Many changes occur during the "terrific" two’s year. Most obvious is speech and language development which grows during the second year. This unique age group requires its own special grouping. With age-appropriate activities, equipment, materials, and expectations.
Our daily program concentrates on developing emergent skills. To prepare your child for our Preschool Unit during their third year. We focus on self-help skills. Such as using utensils, self-feeding, self-dressing, cleaning after themselves, and toilet learning.
Throughout the day we offer activities that promote small and large muscle coordination. Small muscle exercises include: using scissors, pasting, painting, puzzles, and play dough.
The indoor area has books, dramatic play, art, science, social studies, and music areas. Large muscle exercises take place indoors and outdoors.
We walk through the neighborhood and our outdoor playground provides opportunities for play. There is also an indoor area for play during inclement weather.
As two’s move into their third year, their attention span grows, their vocabulary becomes more elaborate, and their thought process becomes more complex. It’s now time to make the transition to the Preschool Unit.

Hey, I'm Ms. Kim

I’m the proud teacher of the 2/3’s! I have been working at SSPC CC for a little over 4 years. I started working at the center as a teaching assistant in 2018, in this exact classroom. I have been the lead teacher for about 2 years now. I am currently majoring in Early Childhood/Special Education. Two of my favorite things to do with the kiddos are arts and crafts, and cooking activities! In our class, we are big on teaching independence. It’s awe-inspiring what they can learn, and do on their own with a good routine and some guidance. It's a beautiful feeling watching all the kids learn and grow. I love making my classroom a home away from home for the kiddos. At first, it can be tough to say goodbye and they may not want to stay, but by the end of the day, they won't want to leave!
“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel” - Maya Angelou
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